Thoughts on Sunday 9/19/2010

Thinking about our discussion regarding being a ‘cross bearer’ from Luke 9:23, some thoughts come to mind.

1.  A true cross bearer must possess the ability to slay all the monsters of this life.  We cannot at once both feed the ogre of self and serve the God of selflessness.

2. Being a true cross bearer makes you very conspicuous is different ways:
– The world will notice you stand out because you carry something that is completely counter to what everyone else is doing
– You get noticed if you develop a regular pattern of dropping your cross when life is tough and picking it up again when things are agreeable to you.
– Anyone who gives their life for any one purpose brings attention to that object of desire.

Pray up, pick it up, cowboy up!

1 Comment

  1. Andy this was a great Sermon lots of thought to follow. I think we need to be a community of cross bearers especially when it comes to killing our will and slaying the monsters of self we need help, we need to be people who want that as much for others as much as we want that for ourselves. Glad to be a part of a group that is very capable of doing that.

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